Dodge Avenger: Tire pressure monitor system (TPMS)
Dodge Avenger: Tire pressure monitor system (TPMS)
The Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) will warn thedriver of a low tire pressure based on the vehicle recommendedcold placard pressure.
The tire pressure will vary with temperature by about1 psi (7 kPa) for every 12 F (7 C). This means that whenthe outside temperature decreases, the tire pressure willdecrease. Tire pressure should always be set based oncold inflation tire pressure. This is defined as the tirepressure after the vehicle has not been driven for at leastthree hours, or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km) after athree hour period. The cold tire inflation pressure mustnot exceed the maximum inflation pressure molded intothe tire sidewall. Refer to “Tires – General Information”in “Starting and Operating” for information on how toproperly inflate the vehicle’s tires. The tire pressure willalso increase as the vehicle is driven - this is normal andthere should be no adjustment for this increased pressure.
The TPM System will warn the driver of a low tirepressure if the tire pressure falls below the low-pressurewarning limit for any reason, including low temperatureeffects and natural pressure loss through the tire.
The TPM System will continue to warn the driver of lowtire pressure as long as the condition exists, and will notturn off until the tire pressure is at or above the recommendedcold placard pressure. Once the low tire pressurewarning (Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light) illuminates,you must increase the tire pressure to the recommendedcold placard pressure in order for the “TirePressure Monitoring Telltale Light” to turn off. Thesystem will automatically update and the “Tire PressureMonitoring Telltale Light” will turn off once the systemreceives the updated tire pressures. The vehicle may needto be driven for up to 20 minutes above 15 mph(25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive this information.
For example, your vehicle may have a recommendedcold (parked for more than three hours) placard pressureof 30 psi (207 kPa). If the ambient temperature is 68 F (20C) and the measured tire pressure is 27 psi (186 kPa), atemperature drop to 20 F (-7 C) will decrease the tirepressure to approximately 23 psi (157 kPa). This tirepressure is sufficiently low enough to turn ON the “TirePressure Monitoring Telltale Light.” Driving the vehiclemay cause the tire pressure to rise to approximately27 psi (186 kPa), but the “Tire Pressure MonitoringTelltale Light” will still be ON. In this situation, the “TirePressure Monitoring Telltale Light” will turn OFF onlyafter the tires are inflated to the vehicle’s recommendedcold placard pressure value.
• The TPMS has been optimized for the originalequipment tires and wheels. TPMS pressures andwarning have been established for the tire sizeequipped on your vehicle. Undesirable systemoperation or sensor damage may result when usingreplacement equipment that is not of the samesize, type, and/or style. Aftermarket wheels cancause sensor damage. Do not use aftermarket tiresealants or balance beads if your vehicle isequipped with a TPMS, as damage to the sensorsmay result.
• After inspecting or adjusting the tire pressure,always reinstall the valve stem cap. This willprevent moisture and dirt from entering the valvestem, which could damage the Tire Pressure MonitoringSensor.
• The TPMS is not intended to replace normal tire careand maintenance, or to provide warning of a tirefailure or condition.
• The TPMS should not be used as a tire pressure gaugewhile adjusting your tire pressure.
• Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire causesthe tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure.
Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency and tiretread life, and may affect the vehicle’s handling andstopping ability.
• The TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire maintenance,and it is the driver’s responsibility to maintaincorrect tire pressure using an accurate tire pressuregauge, even if under-inflation has not reached thelevel to trigger illumination of the “Tire PressureMonitoring Telltale Light.”• Seasonal temperature changes will affect tire pressure,and the TPMS will monitor the actual tire pressure inthe tire.
Base System
The Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) uses wirelesstechnology with wheel rim mounted electronic sensors tomonitor tire pressure levels. Sensors, mounted to eachwheel as part of the valve stem, transmit tire pressurereadings to the Receiver Module.
NOTE: It is particularly important for you to check thetire pressure in all of the tires on your vehicle monthlyand to maintain the proper pressure.
The TPMS consists of the following components:
• Receiver Module• Four Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors• Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light
Tire Pressure Monitoring Low Pressure Warnings
The “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale
Light” willilluminate in the instrument cluster and a chimewill sound when tire
pressure is low in one ormore of the four active road tires. Should this occur,
youshould stop as soon as possible, check the inflationpressure of each tire on
your vehicle, and inflate each tireto the vehicle’s recommended cold placard pressurevalue.
Once the system receives the updated tire pressures,the system will automatically
update and the “TirePressure Monitoring Telltale Light” will turn off. Thevehicle
may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes above15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the
TPMS to receive thisinformation.
Check TPMS Warning
The “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light” will flashon and off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid whena system fault is detected. The system fault will alsosound a chime. If the ignition key is cycled, this sequencewill repeat, providing the system fault still exists. The“Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light” will turn offwhen the fault condition no longer exists. A system faultcan occur due to any of the following:
1. Jamming due to electronic devices or driving next tofacilities emitting the same Radio Frequencies as the TPMsensors.
2. Installing some form of aftermarket window tintingthat affects radio wave signals.
3. Lots of snow or ice around the wheels or wheelhousings.
4. Using tire chains on the vehicle.
5. Using wheels/tires not equipped with TPM sensors.
1. The compact spare tire (if so equipped) does not havea tire pressure monitoring sensor. Therefore, the TPMSwill not monitor the pressure in the compact spare tire.
2. If you install the compact spare tire in place of a roadtire that has a pressure below the low-pressure warninglimit, upon the next ignition key cycle, a chime willsound and the “TPM Telltale Light” will turn ON.
3. After driving the vehicle for up to 20 minutes above15 mph (25 km/h), the “TPM Telltale Light” will flash onand off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid.
4. For each subsequent ignition key cycle, a chime willsound and the “TPM Telltale Light” will flash on and offfor 75 seconds and then remain on solid.
5. Once you repair or replace the original road tire, andreinstall it on the vehicle in place of the compact spare,the TPMS will update automatically and the “TPMTelltale Light” will turn OFF, as long no tire pressure isbelow the low-pressure warning limit in any of the fouractive road tires. The vehicle may need to be driven forup to 20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for theTPMS to receive this information.
Premium System – If Equipped
The Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) uses wirelesstechnology with wheel rim mounted electronic sensors tomonitor tire pressure levels. Sensors, mounted to eachwheel as part of the valve stem, transmit tire pressurereadings to the Receiver Module.
NOTE: It is particularly important for you to check thetire pressure in all of the tires on your vehicle monthlyand to maintain the proper pressure.
The TPMS consists of the following components:
• Receiver Module.
• Four Tire Pressure Monitoring Sensors.
• Three Trigger Modules (mounted in three of the fourwheel-wells).
• Various Tire Pressure Monitoring System Messages,which display in the Electronic Vehicle InformationCenter (EVIC).
• Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light.
Tire Pressure Monitoring Low Pressure Warnings
The “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale
Light” willilluminate in the instrument cluster and a chimewill sound when tire
pressure is low in one ormore of the four active road tires. In addition, theElectronic
Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) will displaya graphic showing the pressure values
of each tire withthe low tire pressure values flashing.
Should this occur, you should stop as soon as possible,and inflate all tires with low pressure (those flashing inthe EVIC graphic) to the vehicle’s recommended coldplacard pressure value. Once the system receives theupdated tire pressures, the system will automaticallyupdate, the graphic display in the EVIC will stop flashing,and the “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light”will turn off. The vehicle may need to be driven for up to20 minutes above 15 mph (25 km/h) in order for theTPMS to receive this information.
Check TPMS Warning
When a system fault is detected, a chime will sound andthe “Tire Pressure Monitoring Telltale Light” will flash onand off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid. Inaddition, the EVIC will display a CHECK TPM SYSTEMmessage for three seconds and then display dashes(- -) in place of the pressure value to indicate whichsensor is not being received.
If the ignition key is cycled, this sequence will repeat,providing the system fault still exists. If the system faultno longer exists, the “Tire Pressure Monitoring TelltaleLight” will no longer flash, and the CHECK TPMSYSTEM message will no longer display, and a pressurevalue will display in place of the dashes. A system faultcan occur due to any of the following:
1. Jamming due to electronic devices or driving next tofacilities emitting the same Radio Frequencies as the TPMsensors.
2. Installing some form of aftermarket window tintingthat affects radio wave signals.
3. Lots of snow or ice around the wheels or wheelhousings.
4. Using tire chains on the vehicle.
5. Using wheels/tires not equipped with TPM sensors.
1. The compact spare tire (if so equipped) does not havea tire pressure monitoring sensor. Therefore, the TPMSwill not monitor the pressure in the compact spare tire.
tire that has a pressure below the low-pressure warninglimit, upon the next ignition key cycle, the “TPM TelltaleLight” will remain ON, a chime will sound, and the EVICwill still display a flashing pressure value in the graphicdisplay.
3. After driving the vehicle for up to 20 minutes above15 mph (25 km/h), the “TPM Telltale Light” will flash onand off for 75 seconds and then remain on solid. Inaddition, the EVIC will display a CHECK TPM SYSTEMmessage for three seconds and then display dashes(- -) in place of the pressure value.
4. For each subsequent ignition key cycle, a chime willsound, the “TPM Telltale Light” will flash on and off for75 seconds and then remain on solid, and the EVIC willdisplay a CHECK TPM SYSTEM message for threeseconds and then display dashes (- -) in place of thepressure value.
5. Once you repair or replace the original road tire, andreinstall it on the vehicle in place of the compact spare,the TPMS will update automatically. In addition, the“TPM Telltale Light” will turn OFF and the graphic in theEVIC will display a new pressure value instead of dashes(- -), as long no tire pressure is below the low-pressurewarning limit in any of the four active road tires. Thevehicle may need to be driven for up to 20 minutes above15 mph (25 km/h) in order for the TPMS to receive thisinformation.
General Information
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules andRSS 210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to thefollowing conditions:
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
• This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesiredoperation.
The tire pressure sensors are covered under one of thefollowing licenses:
United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KR5S120123Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2671-S120123