Dodge Avenger: Fuel requirements
Dodge Avenger: Fuel requirements
2.4L and 2.7L Engine
All engines are designed
to meet all emissionregulations and provide excellent fueleconomy and performance
when usinghigh quality unleaded “regular” gasolinehaving an octane rating of
87. The use ofpremium gasoline is not recommended, asit will not provide any benefit
over regular gasoline inthese engines.
3.5L Engine
The 3.5L engine is designed
to meet allemissions regulations and provide satisfactoryfuel economy and performance
whenusing high-quality unleaded gasoline havingan octane range of 87 to 89. The
manufacturerrecommends the use of 89 octanefor optimum performance. The use of premium
gasolineis not recommended, as it will not provide any benefitover regular gasoline
in these engines.
Light spark knock at low engine speeds is not harmful toyour engine. However, continued heavy spark knock athigh speeds can cause damage and immediate service isrequired.
Poor quality gasoline can cause problems such as hardstarting, stalling, and hesitations. If you experience thesesymptoms, try another brand of gasoline (with the appropriateoctane rating for your engine) before consideringservice for the vehicle.
Over 40 automobile manufacturers around the worldhave issued and endorsed consistent gasoline specifications(the World Wide Fuel Charter, WWFC) whichdefine fuel properties necessary to deliver enhancedemissions, engine performance, and durability for yourvehicle. The manufacturer recommends the use of gasolinesthat meet the WWFC specifications if they areavailable.
Reformulated Gasoline
Many areas of the country require the use of cleanerburning gasoline referred to as “Reformulated Gasoline.”Reformulated gasolines contain oxygenates, and are specificallyblended to reduce vehicle emissions and improveair quality.
The manufacturer supports the use of reformulated gasolines.
Properly blended reformulated gasolines will provideexcellent performance and durability of engine andfuel system components.
Gasoline/Oxygenate Blends
Some fuel suppliers blend unleaded gasoline with oxygenatessuch as 10% ethanol, MTBE, and ETBE. Oxygenatesare required in some areas of the country during thewinter months to reduce carbon monoxide emissions.
Fuels blended with these oxygenates may be used inyour vehicle.
For vehicles equipped with a 2.4L or 3.5L engine, DONOT use gasoline containing Methanol or E85 Ethanol.
Use of these blends may result in starting anddriveability problems and may damage critical fuelsystem components.
NOTE: The 2.7L engine is now rated for E85 Ethanoluse (EXCEPT CALIFORNIA EMISSION STATES). Onlyvehicles with the E-85 fuel filler door label can operate onE-85. Refer to “Flexible Fuel” in “Starting and Operating”for further information.
Problems that result from using methanol/gasoline orE85 Ethanol blends are not the responsibility of themanufacturer. While MTBE is an oxygenate made fromMethanol, it does not have the negative effects ofMethanol.
E-85 Usage In Non-Flex Fuel Vehicles
Non-FFV vehicles are compatible with gasoline containing10% ethanol (E10). Gasoline with higher ethanolcontent may void the vehicle’s warranty.
If a Non-FFV vehicle is inadvertently fueled with E-85fuel, the engine will have some or all of these symptoms:
• operate in a lean mode• OBD II “Malfunction Indicator Light” on• poor engine performance• poor cold start and cold drivability• increased risk for fuel system component corrosionTo fix a Non-FFV vehicle inadvertently fueled once withE-85 perform the following:
• drain the fuel tank (see your authorized dealer)• change the engine oil and oil filter• disconnect and reconnect the battery to reset theengine controller memoryMore extensive repairs will be required for prolongedexposure to E-85 fuel.
MMT in Gasoline
MMT is a manganese containing metallic additive that isblended into some gasoline to increase octane. Gasolineblended with MMT provides no performance advantagebeyond gasoline of the same octane number withoutMMT. Gasoline blended with MMT reduces spark pluglife and reduces emission system performance in somevehicles. The manufacturer recommends that gasolinewithout MMT be used in your vehicle. The MMT contentof gasoline may not be indicated on the gasoline pump,therefore, you should ask your gasoline retailer whetheror not his/her gasoline contains MMT.
It is even more important to look for gasolines withoutMMT in Canada, because MMT can be used at levelshigher than those allowed in the United States.
MMT is prohibited in Federal and California reformulatedgasolines.
Materials Added to Fuel
All gasoline sold in the United States is required tocontain effective detergent additives. Use of additionaldetergents or other additives is not needed under normalconditions and they would result in additional cost.
Therefore, you should not have to add anything to thefuel.
Fuel System Cautions
Follow these guidelines to maintain your vehicle’sperformance:
• The use of leaded gas is prohibited by Federal law.
Using leaded gasoline can impair engine performanceand damage the emission control system.
• An out-of-tune engine, or certain fuel or ignitionmalfunctions, can cause the catalytic converter tooverheat. If you notice a pungent burning odor orsome light smoke, your engine may be out of tuneor malfunctioning and may require immediateservice. Contact your authorized dealer for serviceassistance.
• The use of fuel additives, which are now beingsold as octane enhancers, is not recommended.
Most of these products contain high concentrationsof methanol. Fuel system damage or vehicleperformance problems resulting from the use ofsuch fuels or additives is not the responsibility ofthe manufacturer.
NOTE: Intentional tampering with emissions controlsystems can result in civil penalties being assessedagainst you.
Carbon Monoxide Warnings
Carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases is deadly.
Follow the precautions below to prevent carbonmonoxide poisoning:
• Do not inhale exhaust gases. They contain carbonmonoxide, a colorless and odorless gas, which cankill. Never run the engine in a closed area, such asa garage, and never sit in a parked vehicle with theengine running for an extended period. If thevehicle is stopped in an open area with the enginerunning for more than a short period, adjust theventilation system to force fresh, outside air intothe vehicle.
• Guard against carbon monoxide with propermaintenance. Have the exhaust system inspectedevery time the vehicle is raised. Have any abnormalconditions repaired promptly. Until repaired,drive with all side windows fully open.
• Keep the trunk closed when driving your vehicleto prevent carbon monoxide and other poisonousexhaust gases from entering the vehicle.