Dodge Avenger: Jump-starting
Dodge Avenger: Jump-starting
If your vehicle has a discharged battery it can be jumpstartedusing a set of jumper cables and a battery inanother vehicle or by using a portable battery boosterpack. Jump-starting can be dangerous if done improperlyso please follow the procedures in this section carefully.
NOTE: When using a portable battery booster packfollow the manufacturer’s operating instructions andprecautions.
Do not use a portable battery booster pack or anyother booster source with a system voltage greaterthan 12 Volts or damage to the battery, starter motor,alternator or electrical system may occur.
Do not attempt jump-starting if the battery is frozen.
It could rupture or explode and cause personal injury.
Preparations for Jump-Start
The battery in your vehicle is located between the leftfront headlight assembly and the left front wheel splashshield. To allow jump-starting there are remote batteryposts located on the left side of the engine compartment.
Remote Battery Posts
1 — Remote Positive (+) Post (covered with protective cap).
2 — Remote Negative (-) Post.
• Take care to avoid the radiator cooling fan wheneverthe hood is raised. It can start anytime theignition switch is on. You can be injured bymoving fan blades.
• Remove any metal jewelry such as watch bands orbracelets that might make an inadvertent electricalcontact. You could be seriously injured.
• Batteries contain sulfuric acid that can burn yourskin or eyes and generate hydrogen gas which isflammable and explosive. Keep open flames orsparks away from the battery.
1. Set the parking brake, shift the automatic transmissioninto PARK and turn the ignition to LOCK.
2. Turn off the heater, radio, and all unnecessary electricalaccessories.
3. Remove the protective cover over the remote positive(+) battery post. To remove the cover, press the lockingtab and pull upward on the cover.
Locking Tab
4. If using another vehicle to jump-start the battery, parkthe vehicle within the jumper cables reach, set theparking brake and make sure the ignition is OFF.
Do not allow vehicles to touch each other as thiscould establish a ground connection and personalinjury could result.
Jump-Starting Procedure
Failure to follow this procedure could result in personalinjury or property damage due to battery explosion.
Failure to follow these procedures could result indamage to the charging system of the booster vehicleor the discharged vehicle.
1. Connect the positive (+) end of the jumper cable to theremote positive (+) post of the discharged vehicle.
2. Connect the opposite end of the positive (+) jumpercable to the positive (+) post of the booster battery.
3. Connect the negative end (-) of the jumper cable to thenegative (-) post of the booster battery.
4. Connect the opposite end of the negative (-) jumpercable to the remote negative (-) post of the vehicle withthe discharged battery.
Do not connect the cable to the negative post (-) of thedischarged battery. The resulting electrical sparkcould cause the battery to explode and could result inpersonal injury.
5. Start the engine in the vehicle that has the boosterbattery, let the engine idle a few minutes, and then startthe engine in the vehicle with the discharged battery.
Once the engine is started, remove the jumper cables inthe reverse sequence:
6. Disconnect the negative (-) jumper cable from theremote negative (-) post of the vehicle with the dischargedbattery.
7. Disconnect the negative end (-) of the jumper cablefrom the negative (-) post of the booster battery.
8. Disconnect the opposite end of the positive (+) jumpercable from the positive (+) post of the booster battery.
9. Disconnect the positive (+) end of the jumper cablefrom the remote positive (+) post of the dischargedvehicle.
10. Reinstall the protective cover over the remote positive(+) battery post of the discharged vehicle.
If frequent jump-starting is required to start your vehicleyou should have the battery and charging system inspectedat your authorized dealer.
Accessories that can be plugged into the vehiclepower outlets draw power from the vehicle’s battery,even when not in use (i.e., cellular phones, etc.).
Eventually, if plugged in long enough, the vehicle’sbattery will discharge sufficiently to degrade batterylife and/or prevent the engine from starting.