Dodge Avenger: Electronic vehicle information center (evic) – if equipped
Dodge Avenger: Electronic vehicle information center (evic) – if equipped
The Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) featuresa driver-interactive display that is located in theinstrument cluster.
Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)
The EVIC consists of the following:
• System status.
• Vehicle information warning message displays.
• Personal Settings (Customer-Programmable Features).
• Compass heading display (N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE,SW).
• Outside temperature display (°F or °C).
• Trip computer functions.
• Audio mode displays – 12 preset Radio Stations or CDTitle and Track number when playing.
• Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) displays (ifequipped).
The system allows the driver to select information bypressing the following buttons on the instrument panelswitch bank located below the climate controls:
Press and release the MENU button to advancethe
display to Trip Functions or Personal settingsor to return to the default System
Press and release the STEP button to advancethe
display through the various Trip Functionsor Personal settings.
Press and release the COMPASS button todisplay
the compass heading and the outsidetemperature.
Press and release the RESET button to
accept aselection. The RESET button also resets variousTrip Functions.
Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC) Displays
When the appropriate conditions exist, the EVIC displaysthe following messages.
• Turn Signal On (with a continuous warning chimeafter one mile traveled).
• Left Front Turn Signal Light Out (with a single chime).
• Left Rear Turn Signal Light Out (with a single chime).
• Right Front Turn Signal Light Out (with a singlechime).
• Right Rear Turn Signal Light Out (with a single chime).
• RKE (Remote Keyless Entry) Battery Low (with asingle chime).
• Personal Settings Not Available – Vehicle Not In PARK.
• Personal Settings Not Available – Vehicle in Motion.
• Door(s) Ajar (with a single chime if vehicle is inmotion).
• Trunk Ajar (with a single chime).
• Headlights On.
• Key In Ignition.
• Oil Change Required (with a single chime).
• ECO (Fuel Saver Indicator) — If Equipped.
Oil Change Required — If Equipped
Your vehicle is equipped with an engine oil changeindicator system. The Oil Change Required message willflash in the EVIC display for approximately five secondsafter a single chime has sounded to indicate the nextscheduled oil change interval. The engine oil changeindicator system is duty cycle based, which means theengine oil change interval may fluctuate dependent uponyour personal driving style.
Unless reset, this message will continue to display eachtime you turn the ignition switch to the ON/RUNposition. To turn off the message temporarily, press andrelease the MENU button. To reset the oil change indicatorsystem (after performing the scheduled maintenance)perform the following procedure:
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position (Do notstart the engine).
2. Fully depress the accelerator pedal slowly three timeswithin 10 seconds.
3. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position.
NOTE: If the indicator message illuminates when youstart the vehicle, the oil change indicator system did notreset. If necessary repeat this procedure.
Trip Functions
Press and release the MENU button until one of thefollowing Trip Functions displays in the EVIC:
• ECO (Fuel Saver Indicator) — If Equipped.
• Average Fuel Economy.
• Distance To Empty.
• Elapsed Time.
• Display Units of Measure in.
Press and release the STEP button to advance the displaythrough the Trip Functions.
The Trip Functions mode displays the following information:
• ECO (Fuel Saver Indicator) — If Equipped
The ECO indicator will illuminate in the EVIC display.
This ECO message will appear when you are driving in afuel efficient manner and can be used to modify drivinghabits in order to increase fuel economy.
• Average Fuel Economy
Shows the average fuel economy since the last reset.
When the fuel economy is reset, the display will read,RESET or show dashes for two seconds. Then, the historyinformation will be erased, and the averaging will continuefrom the last fuel average reading before the reset.
• Distance To Empty (DTE)
Shows the estimated distance that can be traveled withthe fuel remaining in the tank. This estimated distance isdetermined by a weighted average of the instantaneousand average fuel economy, according to the current fueltank level. DTE cannot be reset through the RESETbutton.
NOTE: Significant changes in driving style or vehicleloading will greatly affect the actual drivable distance ofthe vehicle, regardless of the DTE display value.
When the DTE value is less than 30 miles (48 km)estimated driving distance, the DTE display will changeto a text display of LOW FUEL”. This display willcontinue until the vehicle runs out of fuel. Adding asignificant amount of fuel to the vehicle will turn off theLOW FUEL text and a new DTE value will display.
• Elapsed Time
Shows the total elapsed time of travel since the last reset.
Elapsed time will increment when the ignition switch isin the ON or START position.
• Display Units In:
To make your selection, press and release the RESETbutton until ENGLISH or METRIC appears.
To Reset The Display
Reset will only occur if a resettable function is currentlydisplayed. Press and hold the RESET button once to clearthe function currently displayed.
To reset all resettable functions, press and release theRESET button a second time within three seconds ofresetting the currently displayed function (Reset ALL willdisplay during this three-second window).
Compass Display
The compass heading indicates the directionthe
vehicle is facing. Press and release thecompass button to display one of eightcompass
heading and the outside temperature.
NOTE: The system will display the last known outsidetemperature when starting the vehicle and may need tobe driven several minutes before the updated temperatureis displayed. Engine temperature can also affect thedisplayed temperature, therefore temperature readingsare not updated when the vehicle is not moving.
Automatic Compass Calibration
This compass is self-calibrating, which eliminates theneed to calibrate the compass manually. When the vehicleis new, the compass may appear erratic and theEVIC will flash the “CAL” indicator until the compass iscalibrated. You may calibrate the compass by completingone or more 360–degree turns (in an area free from largemetal or metallic objects) until the CAL indicator in theEVIC turns off. The compass will now function normally.
NOTE: A good calibration requires a level surface andan environment free from large metallic objects such asbuildings, bridges, underground cables, railroad tracks,etc.
Manual Compass Calibration
If the compass appears erratic or inaccurate, and thevariance has been properly set, you may wish to manuallyrecalibrate the compass. To manually calibrate thecompass:
1. Start the engine. Leave the shift lever in PARK in orderto enter the EVIC Programming Menus.
2. Press and release the MENU button until “PersonalSettings” displays in the EVIC.
3. Press and release the STEP button until “CalibrateCompass Yes” displays in the EVIC.
4. Press and release the RESET button and the “CAL”indicator will quit flashing.
5. Drive the vehicle slowly (under 5 mph / 8 km/h),completing one or more circles (in an area free from largemetal or metallic objects) until the “CAL” indicator turnsoff. The compass will now function normally.
Compass Variance
Compass Variance is the difference between MagneticNorth and Geographic North. To compensate for thedifferences, the variance should be set for the zone wherethe vehicle is driven, per the zone map. Once properlyset, the compass will automatically compensate for thedifferences and provide the most accurate compass heading.
NOTE: Magnetic and battery powered devices, (such ascell phones, iPod’s, radar detectors, PDA’s and laptops)should be kept away from the top of the instrumentpanel. This is where the compass module is located andsuch devices may interfere and cause false compassreadings.
Compass Variance Map
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position. Leave theshift lever in PARK.
2. Press and release the MENU button until “PersonalSettings” displays in the EVIC.
3. Press and release the STEP button until “CompassVariance” and the current Variance Value displays in theEVIC.
4. Press and release the RESET button to increment theVariance Value by one, (one button press per update),until the proper variance zone is selected according to themap.
NOTE: The Variance Values will wrap around from 15back to 1. The Default Variance is Zone 8.
5. Press and release the STEP button to exit. Press theSTEP button if you wish to calibrate the compass manually(Refer to “Manual Compass Calibration”).
Personal Settings(Customer-Programmable Features)
Personal settings allows the driver to set and recallfeatures when the automatic transaxle is in PARK.
Press and release the MENU button until “PersonalSettings” displays in the EVIC.
Press and release the STEP button to display the followingprogrammable features:
When in this display you may select different languagesfor all display nomenclature, including the trip functions.
Pressing the RESET button while in this display selectsEnglish, Spanish, French, German, Italian, or Dutch dependingon availability. As you continue, the displayedinformation will be shown in the selected language.
Auto Unlock on Exit
When ON is selected and the transaxle is in the PARK orNEUTRAL position, all doors will unlock when thedriver’s door is opened. To make your selection, pressand hold the RESET button until ON or OFF appears.
Remote Key Unlock
When “Driver Door 1st Press” is selected, only thedriver’s door will unlock on the first press of the RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) transmitter UNLOCK button. WhenDriver Door 1st Press is selected, you must press of theRKE transmitter UNLOCK button twice to unlock thepassenger’s doors. When “All Doors 1st Press” is selected,all of the doors will unlock on the first press of theRKE transmitter UNLOCK button. To make your selection,press and release the RESET button until “DriverDoor 1st Press” or “All Doors 1st Press” appears.
Sound Horn with Lock
When ON is selected, a short horn sound will occur whenthe RKE transmitter LOCK button is pressed. This featuremay be selected with or without the Flash Lights withLock feature. To make your selection, press and releasethe RESET button until ON or OFF appears.
Flash Lights with Lock
When ON is selected, the front and rear turn signals willflash when the doors are locked or unlocked with theRKE transmitter. This feature may be selected with orwithout the Sound Horn on lock feature selected. Tomake your selection, press and release the RESET buttonuntil ON or OFF appears.
Headlights Off Delay
When this feature is selected, the driver can choose tohave the headlights remain on for 0, 30, 60, or 90 secondswhen exiting the vehicle. To make your selection, pressand hold the RESET button until 0, 30, 60, or 90 secondsappears.
Headlights With Wipers(Available with Auto Headlights Only)
When ON is selected, and the headlight switch is in theAUTO position, the headlights will turn on approximately10 seconds after the wipers are turned on. Theheadlights will also turn off when the wipers are turnedoff if they were turned on by this feature. To make yourselection, press and hold the RESET button until ON orOFF appears.
NOTE: Turning the headlights on during the daytimecauses the instrument panel lights to dim. To increase thebrightness, refer to “Lights” in “Understanding TheFeatures Of Your Vehicle”.
Key-Off Power Delay
When this feature is selected, the power windowswitches, radio, Uconnect™ Phone (if equipped), andpower outlets will remain active for up to 10 minutesafter the ignition switch is turned to the LOCK position.
Opening a vehicle door will cancel this feature. To makeyour selection, press and hold the RESET button untilOff, 45 sec., 5 min., or 10 min. appears.
Illuminated Approach
When this feature is selected, the headlights will activateand remain on for up to 90 seconds when the doors areunlocked with the remote keyless entry transmitter. Tomake your selection, press and hold the RESET buttonuntil “OFF,” “30 sec,” “60 sec,” or “90 sec” appears.
Display ECO — If Equipped
The “ECO” message is located in the EVIC, this messagecan be turned on or off. To make your selection, press andrelease the FUNCTION SELECT button until “ON” or“OFF” appears.
Display Units In
The EVIC and odometer can be changed between Englishand Metric units of measure. To make your selection,press and release the RESET button until “ENGLISH” or“METRIC” appears.