Dodge Avenger: To open and close the hood

Dodge Avenger: To open and close the hood - Understanding the features of your vehicle - Dodge Avenger 2008 - 2014 Owner's ManualDodge Avenger: To open and close the hood

To open the hood, two latches must be released.

1. Pull the hood release lever located under the left sideof the instrument panel.

Hood Release Lever

2. Lift the secondary latch located under the front edgeof the hood, near the center and raise the hood.

Hood Safety Catch

Use the hood prop rod to secure the hood in the openposition. Place the upper end of the prop rod in the holeon the left underside of the hood.

Hood Prop Rod Hole Location

Before closing the hood, make sure to stow the prop rodin its proper location.


To prevent possible damage, do not slam the hood toclose it. Use a firm downward push at the center ofthe hood to ensure that both latches engage.


Be sure the hood is fully latched before driving yourvehicle. If the hood is not fully latched, it could openwhen the vehicle is in motion and block your vision.

Failure to follow this warning could result in seriousinjury or death.