Ford Fusion: Telephone commands

Ford Fusion: Telephone commands - Voice control - Ford Fusion (2006-2012) Owners manualFord Fusion: Telephone commands


Your phone system allows you to createan additional phonebook. The storedentries can be dialled by voice control.

Phone numbers stored by using voicecontrol are stored on the vehicle systemand not in your phone.


The overview below shows the availablevoice commands of the phone system.

The following lists will give furtherinformation about the completecommand menu.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

b) Only possible on mobiles which are connected by Bluetooth and fitted with voicecontrol and stored name tags.

Create a phonebook

Store name

New entries can be stored with the"STORE NAME" command. This featurecan be used to dial a number by callingup the name instead of the full phonenumber.

Delete name

Delete name

Stored names can also be deleted fromthe directory.

Play directory

Play directory

Use this function to let the system tell youall stored entries.

Delete directory

Delete directory

This function allows you to delete allentries in one go.

Phone functions

Phone functions

Mobile name

This function allows you to access phonenumbers stored with a name tag in yourmobile phone.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

b) Only when the mobile phone is fitted with Bluetooth and voice control (dependanton the mobile phone).

Dial number

Phone numbers can be dialled after givingthe name tag voice command.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

Dial name

Phone numbers can be dialled after givingthe name tag voice command.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.


This function allows you to redial the lastdialled phone number.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

a) Can be used as a shortcut.

DTMF (Tone dialling)

This function transfers spoken numbersinto DTMF tones, i.e. to make a remoteenquiry to your home answering machine.

Note: DTMF can only be used during anongoing call. Press the VOICE button orthe MODE button and wait for the systemprompt.

Main settings

Main settings

Accept and reject calls

Calls can be accepted or rejected usingthe Voice Control.

Navigation system commands

Navigation system commands