Dodge Avenger: Starting procedures

Dodge Avenger: Starting procedures - Starting and operating - Dodge Avenger 2008 - 2014 Owner's ManualDodge Avenger: Starting procedures

Before starting your vehicle, adjust your seat, adjust theinside and outside mirrors, fasten your seat belt, and ifpresent, instruct all other occupants to buckle their seatbelts.


Never leave children alone in a vehicle. Leavingchildren in a vehicle unattended is dangerous for anumber of reasons. A child or others could be seriouslyor fatally injured. Do not leave the keys in theignition. A child could operate power windows,other controls, or move the vehicle.

Automatic Transmission

The shift lever must be in the PARK or NEUTRALposition before you can start the engine. Apply the brakesbefore shifting to any driving gear.

NOTE: The ignition switch must be in the ON position,and you must press the brake pedal before shifting out ofPARK.

Normal Starting

NOTE: Normal starting of either a cold or a warmengine is obtained without pumping or pressing theaccelerator pedal.

For vehicles not equipped with Tip Start (Four-SpeedTransmission), turn the ignition switch to the STARTposition and release it when the engine starts. If theengine fails to start within 10 seconds, turn the ignitionswitch to the LOCK position, wait 10 to 15 seconds, thenrepeat the “Normal Starting” procedure.

For vehicles equipped with Tip Start (Six-Speed Transmission),turn the ignition switch to the START positionand release it as soon as the starter engages. The startermotor will continue to run, and it will disengage automaticallywhen the engine is running. If the engine failsto start, the starter will disengage automatically in 10 seconds.

If this occurs, turn the ignition switch to the LOCKposition, wait 10 to 15 seconds, then repeat the “NormalStarting” procedure.

Extreme Cold Weather (Below 20°F or 29°C)

To ensure reliable starting at these temperatures, use ofan externally powered electric engine block heater (availablefrom your dealer) is recommended.

If Engine Fails To Start


• Never pour fuel or other flammable liquids intothe throttle body air inlet opening in an attempt tostart the vehicle. This could result in a flash firecausing serious personal injury.

• Do not attempt to push or tow your vehicle to getit started. Vehicles equipped with an automatictransmission cannot be started this way. Unburnedfuel could enter the catalytic converter and oncethe engine has started, ignite and damage theconverter and vehicle. If the vehicle has a dischargedbattery, booster cables may be used toobtain a start from a booster battery or the batteryin another vehicle. This type of start can be dangerousif done improperly. Refer to “Jump Starting”in “What To Do In Emergencies” for furtherinformation.

Without Tip Start

If the engine fails to start after you have followed the“Normal Starting” or “Extreme Cold Weather” procedures,it may be flooded. Push the accelerator pedal allthe way to the floor and hold it there while cranking theengine. This should clear any excess fuel in case theengine is flooded.


To prevent damage to the starter, do not crank theengine for more than 15 seconds at a time. Wait 10 to15 seconds before trying again.

If the engine is flooded, it may start to run, but not haveenough power to continue running when the key isreleased. If this occurs, continue cranking up to 15 secondswith the accelerator pedal pushed all the way to thefloor.

If the engine shows no sign of starting after two 15-second periods of cranking with the accelerator pedalheld to the floor, repeat the “Normal Starting” or “ExtremeCold Weather” procedures.

With Tip Start

If the engine fails to start after you have followed the“Normal Starting” or “Extreme Cold Weather” procedures,it may be flooded. To clear any excess fuel, pushthe accelerator pedal all the way to the floor and hold it.

Then, turn the ignition switch to the START position andrelease it as soon as the starter engages. The starter motorwill disengage automatically in 10 seconds. Once thisoccurs, release the accelerator pedal, turn the ignitionswitch to the LOCK position, wait 10 to 15 seconds, thenrepeat the “Normal Starting” procedure.


To prevent damage to the starter, wait 10 to 15 secondsbefore trying again.

After Starting

The idle speed will automatically decrease as the enginewarms up.