Ford Fusion: Principle of operation
Ford Fusion: Principle of operation
Outside air
Keep the air intakes forward of thewindscreen free from obstruction (snow,leaves etc.) to allow the climate controlsystem to function effectively.
Recirculated air
Prolonged use of recirculated air maycause the windows to mist up. If thewindows mist up, follow the settingsfor defrosting and demisting thewindscreen.
The air currently in the passengercompartment will be recirculated. Outsideair will not enter the vehicle.
Heating performance depends on thetemperature of the engine coolant.
Air conditioning
Note: The air conditioning operates onlywhen the temperature is above 4ºC(39ºF).
Note: If you use the air conditioning, thefuel consumption of your vehicle will behigher.
Air is directed through the evaporatorwhere it is cooled. Humidity is extractedfrom the air to help keep the windows freeof mist. The resulting condensation isdirected to the outside of the vehicle andit is therefore normal if you see a smallpool of water under your vehicle.
General information oncontrolling the interior climate
Fully close all the windows.
Warming the interior
Direct the air towards your feet. In cold orhumid weather conditions, direct someof the air towards the windscreen and thedoor windows.
Cooling the interior
Direct the air towards your face.