Kia Optima: Normal maintenance schedule
Kia Optima: Normal maintenance schedule
Engine control
Chassis and body
Chassis and body
Chart symbols:
I - Inspect these items and their related parts. If necessary, correct, clean, refill, adjust or replace.
R - Replace or change.
L - Lubricate.
(1) Refer to the lubricant and coolant specifications in the Owner’s Manual.
(2) More frequent maintenance is required if driving under dusty conditions.
(3) Inspect for excessive valve noise and/or engine vibration and adjust if necessary. A qualified technician should perform the operation.
(4) More frequent maintenance is required if the vehicle is operated under any of the following conditions:
a. Short-distance driving.
b. Driving on dusty roads.
c. Extensive idling or slow-speed driving in stop-and-go traffic.
(5) If necessary, rotate and balance the wheels.
* Note: Check the engine oil and coolant levels every week.