Dodge Avenger: Mirrors

Dodge Avenger: Mirrors - Understanding the features of your vehicle - Dodge Avenger 2008 - 2014 Owner's ManualDodge Avenger: Mirrors

Inside Day/Night Mirror

A two-point pivot system allows for horizontal andvertical mirror adjustment. Adjust the mirror to center onthe view through the rear window.

Headlight glare can be reduced by moving the smallcontrol under the mirror to the night position (toward therear of the vehicle). The mirror should be adjusted whileset in the day position (toward the windshield).

Adjusting Rearview Mirror

Automatic Dimming Mirror — If Equipped

This mirror automatically adjusts for headlight glarefrom vehicles behind you. You can turn the feature on oroff by pressing the button at the base of the mirror.Alightnext to the button will illuminate to indicate when thedimming feature is activated.

Automatic Dimming Mirror


To avoid damage to the mirror during cleaning, neverspray any cleaning solution directly onto the mirror.

Apply the solution onto a clean cloth and wipe themirror clean.

Power Mirrors

Both of the outside mirrors can be adjusted by using thecontrols mounted on the driver’s door panel.

A rotary knob selects the left mirror, right mirror, or offposition.

Power Mirror Switch

After selecting a mirror, move the knob in the samedirection you want the mirror to move. When finished,return the knob to the center O (OFF) position to guardagainst accidentally moving a mirror position.

Mirror Directions

Adjusting Side View Mirrors

Outside Mirror — Driver Side

Adjust the outside mirror to center on the adjacent lane oftraffic, with a slight overlap of the view obtained on theinside mirror.

Outside Mirror — Passenger Side

Adjust the convex outside mirror so you can just see theside of your vehicle in the part of the mirror closest to thevehicle.


Vehicles and other objects seen in the passenger sideconvex mirror will look smaller and farther awaythan they really are. Relying too much on yourpassenger side mirror could cause you to collide withanother vehicle or other object. Use your insidemirror when judging the size or distance of a vehicleseen in this passenger side mirror.

Illuminated Vanity Mirrors — If Equipped

An illuminated vanity mirror is on each sun visor. To usethe mirror, rotate the sun visor down and swing themirror cover upward. The lights will turn on automatically.

Closing the mirror cover turns off the lights.

Illuminated Vanity Mirror