Ford Fusion: Gauges

Ford Fusion: Gauges - Instruments - Ford Fusion (2006-2012) Owners manualFord Fusion: Gauges

Engine coolant temperature gauge

GaugesTachometer AEngine coolant temperature gauge BFuel gauge CSpeedometer DInformation display E

Engine coolant temperature gauge

All vehicles

Shows the temperature of the enginecoolant. At normal operating temperature,the needle will remain in the centresection.


Do not restart the engine until thecause of overheating has beenresolved.

If the needle enters the red section, theengine is overheating. Stop the engine,switch the ignition off and determine thecause once the engine has cooleddown.

Vehicles with an information display

In addition, a warning message will appearin the display.

Fuel gauge

The arrow adjacent to the fuel pumpsymbol tells you on which side of yourvehicle the fuel filler cap is located.