Dodge Avenger: Emissions inspection and maintenance programs
Dodge Avenger: Emissions inspection and maintenance programs
In some localities, it may be a legal
requirement to passan inspection of your vehicle’s emissions control system.
Failure to pass could prevent vehicle registration.
For states that require an Inspection and Maintenance(I/M), this check verifies the “MalfunctionIndicator Light (MIL)” is functioning and is noton when the engine is running, and that the OBD IIsystem is ready for testing.
Normally, the OBD II system will be ready. The OBD IIsystem may not be ready if your vehicle was recentlyserviced, recently had a dead battery or a battery replacement.
If the OBD II system should be determined notready for the I/M test, your vehicle may fail the test.
Your vehicle has a simple ignition key-actuated test,which you can use prior to going to the test station. Tocheck if your vehicle’s OBD II system is ready, you mustdo the following:
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position, but do notcrank or start the engine.
2. If you crank or start the engine, you will have to startthis test over.
3. As soon as you turn the ignition switch to the ONposition, you will see the MIL symbol come on as part ofa normal bulb check.
4. Approximately 15 seconds later, one of two things willhappen:
a. The MIL will flash for about 10 seconds and thenreturn to being fully illuminated until you turn OFFthe ignition or start the engine. This means that yourvehicle’s OBD II system is not ready and you shouldnot proceed to the I/M station.
b. The MIL will not flash at all and will remain fullyilluminated until you turn OFF the ignition or start theengine. This means that your vehicle’s OBD II systemis ready and you can proceed to the I/M station.
If your OBD II system is not ready, you should see yourauthorized dealer or repair facility. If your vehicle wasrecently serviced or had a battery failure or replacement,you may need to do nothing more than drive yourvehicle as you normally would in order for your OBD IIsystem to update. A recheck with the above test routinemay then indicate that the system is now ready.
Regardless of whether your vehicle’s OBD II system isready or not, if the MIL is illuminated during normalvehicle operation you should have your vehicle servicedbefore going to the I/M station. The I/M station can failyour vehicle because the MIL is on with the enginerunning.