Ford Fusion: Automatic climate control

Ford Fusion: Automatic climate control - Climate control - Ford Fusion (2006-2012) Owners manualFord Fusion: Automatic climate control

The system controls the temperature,amount and distribution of the air flowautomatically and adjusts them accordingto the driving and weather conditions.

Automatic climate control

The system controls the temperature,amount and distribution of the air flowautomatically and adjusts them accordingto the driving and weather conditions.

Pressing the AUTO button once switcheson the auto mode.

Note: Avoid adjusting the settings whenthe vehicle interior is extremely hot orcold. The automatic climate controladjusts to the current circumstancesautomatically. For the system to functionproperly, the side and centre vents shouldbe fully open.

Note: The sunload sensor is located ontop of the instrument panel. Do not coverthe sensor with any objects.

Note: At low outside temperatures, whenthe system is in auto mode, the air streamwill be directed to the windscreen and theside windows as long as the engine iscold.

You can set the temperature between16ºC and 28ºC in steps of 0.5ºC. Inposition LO (below 16ºC) the system willswitch to permanent cooling, in HI (above28ºC) to permanent heating, and notregulate a stable temperature.

Setting the temperatureReduces temperature BlueIncreases temperature Red

You can set the temperature between16ºC and 28ºC in steps of 0.5ºC. Inposition LO (below 16ºC) the system willswitch to permanent cooling, in HI (above28ºC) to permanent heating, and notregulate a stable temperature.

Use the buttons to adjust theblower speed. The blowersetting is indicated in thedisplay. To return to auto mode, press theAUTO button.


Use the buttons to adjust theblower speed. The blowersetting is indicated in thedisplay. To return to auto mode, press theAUTO button.

Note: When you select windscreendefrosting and demisting, A, B and Cswitch off automatically and the airconditioning switches on. Outside air willflow into the vehicle. You cannot selectrecirculated air.

Air distributionFootwell AFace level BWindscreen C

Note: When you select windscreendefrosting and demisting, A, B and Cswitch off automatically and the airconditioning switches on. Outside air willflow into the vehicle. You cannot selectrecirculated air.

Press the windscreendefrosting and demistingbutton. Outside air will flow intothe vehicle. Air conditioning isautomatically selected. As long as the airdistribution is set to this position, youcannot select recirculated air.

Windscreen defrosting and demisting

Press the windscreendefrosting and demistingbutton. Outside air will flow intothe vehicle. Air conditioning isautomatically selected. As long as the airdistribution is set to this position, youcannot select recirculated air.

The blower speed and the temperaturecontrol operate automatically and cannotbe adjusted manually. The blower is setto high speed and the temperature to HI.

When you select windscreen defrostingand demisting, the heated screens switchon automatically and switch off after ashort time.

Press the windscreen defrosting anddemisting button again to return to theprevious settings.

Press the A/C button to turnthe air conditioning on and off.

Switching the air conditioning on and off

Press the A/C button to turnthe air conditioning on and off.

Press the recirculated airbutton to toggle betweenoutside air and recirculated air.

Recirculated air

Press the recirculated airbutton to toggle betweenoutside air and recirculated air.

Note: When the system is in auto modeand the interior and exterior temperaturesare quite hot, the system selectsrecirculated air automatically to maximisecooling of the interior. Once the selectedtemperature is reached, the system willreselect outside air automatically.

Press the OFF button.

Switching the automatic climate control on and off

Press the OFF button.

When switched off, the heating, ventilationand air conditioning system is switchedoff and recirculated air is selected.