Dodge Avenger: Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
Dodge Avenger: Anti-lock brake system (ABS)
The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) provides increasedvehicle stability and brake performance under mostbraking conditions. The system operates with a separatecomputer to modulate the hydraulic pressure to preventwheel lock-up and avoid skidding on slippery surfaces.
• Pumping of the anti-lock brakes will diminishtheir effectiveness and may lead to an accident.
Pumping makes the stopping distance longer. Justpress firmly on your brake pedal when you needto slow down or stop.
• The ABS cannot prevent the natural laws of physicsfrom acting on the vehicle, nor can it increasebraking or steering efficiency beyond that affordedby the condition of the vehicle brakes andtires or the traction afforded.
• The ABS cannot prevent accidents, includingthose resulting from excessive speed in turns,following another vehicle too closely, or hydroplaning.
Only a safe, attentive, and skillful drivercan prevent accidents.
• The capabilities of an ABS-equipped vehicle mustnever be exploited in a reckless or dangerousmanner, which could jeopardize the user’s safetyor the safety of others.
The “Anti-Lock Brake Warning Light”
monitorsthe Anti-Lock Brake System. The light willcome on when the ignition switch
is turned tothe ON position and may stay on for as long asfour seconds.
If the “Anti-Lock Brake Warning Light” remains on orcomes on while driving, it indicates that the anti-lockportion of the brake system is not functioning and thatservice is required. However, the conventional brakesystem will continue to operate normally if the “BrakeWarning Light” is not on.
If the “Anti-Lock Brake Warning Light” is on, the brakesystem should be serviced as soon as possible to restorethe benefits of anti-lock brakes. If the “Anti-Lock BrakeWarning Light” does not come on when the ignitionswitch is turned to the ON position, have the bulbrepaired as soon as possible.
If both the “Brake Warning Light” and the “Anti-LockBrake Warning Light” remain on, the Anti-Lock Brake(ABS) and Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD)Systems are not functioning. Immediate repair to the ABSsystem is required. See your authorized dealer.
When the vehicle is driven over 7 mph (11 km/h), youmay hear a slight clicking sound as well as some relatedmotor noises. These noises are the system performing itsself-check cycle to ensure that the ABS system is workingproperly. This self check occurs each time the vehicle isstarted and accelerated past 7 mph (11 km/h).
ABS is activated during braking under certain road orstopping conditions. ABS-inducing conditions can includeice, snow, gravel, bumps, railroad tracks, loosedebris, or panic stops.
You also may experience the following when the brakesystem goes into anti-lock:
• The ABS motor running (it may continue to run for ashort time after the stop),• the clicking sound of solenoid valves,• brake pedal pulsations,• and a slight drop or fall away of the brake pedal at theend of the stop.
These are all normal characteristics of ABS.
The Anti-Lock Brake System contains sophisticatedelectronic equipment that may be susceptible tointerference caused by improperly installed or highoutput radio transmitting equipment. This interferencecan cause possible loss of anti-lock brakingcapability. Installation of such equipment should beperformed by qualified professionals.
All vehicle wheels and tires must be the same size andtype, and tires must be properly inflated to produceaccurate signals for the computer.