Buick LaCrosse: Symbols - Introduction - Buick LaCrosse Owners ManualBuick LaCrosse: Symbols

The vehicle has components and labels that use symbols instead of text. Symbols are shown along with the text describing the operation or information relating to a specific component, control, message, gauge, or indicator.

you need to see your owner manual : This symbol is shown when you need to see your owner manual for additional instructions or information.

you need to see a service manual : This symbol is shown when you need to see a service manual for additional instructions or information.

    Danger, Warnings, and Cautions
    Warning messages found on vehicle labels and in this manual describe hazards and what to do to avoid or reduce them. Danger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which will result in ...

    Vehicle Symbol Chart
    Here are some additional symbols that may be found on the vehicle and what they mean. For more information on the symbol, refer to the Index. : Airbag Readiness Light : Air Conditioning ...

    See also:

    Seat Belts In Passenger Seating Positions
    The seat belts in the passenger seating positions are equipped with Automatic Locking Retractors (ALR) which are used to secure a child restraint system. For additional information, refer to “ ...

    Opening Press on the cover. Emptying Take out the insert. Lighter Push in the lighter. The lighter can be removed as soon as it pops back out. Danger of burns Only hold the hot lighter ...

    Replacing fuses
    There are relay/fuse boxes located in the engine compartment, the passenger compartment, and the trunk. If an electrical component fails to function, this may be due to a blown fuse. The easiest ...